Submit Details For A Business.for.Sale

There is no charge to list businesses for sale on this site.. Please read the Conditions for Sellers for details relating to commissions payable should a successful sale result. Incoming submissions are only published upon our receipt of the signed commission agreement documents.

IMPORTANT: We recommend that you print this page and the attached page of Tips and Suggestions. Read through the Tips and then fill out the submission form manually before returning to this site to complete this form online. You should also have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of Listing (Conditions for Sellers) before completing and submitting this form.

The Tips Icon indicates that help text is available for the item alongside.
A Pale Cyan Background indicates that these mandatory fields must be filled in !
We strongly suggest providing as much information as possible

PLEASE DO NOT USE ALL CAPITALS    ie. CapsLock should be OFF
If you find typing challenging, then please rather use all lowercase. It's much easier for us to correct and dramatically reduces the chances of our introducing transcription errors.


Required for contacting you, the seller. No details from this section will be released to visitors to preserve your anonymity..
Your Name:  
Tel Code: Tel No.:   To be used for direct contact with the person specified under the first ''Your Name'' field.  The fax number that follows would not normally be used for any type of communication due to the sensitive nature of inadvertantly disclosing the seller's intentions to sell.
Cellphone / Mobile:
Fax Code: Fax No.:
Postal Address:  
eMail Address:  
Your valid email address must be entered into this field. If you do not want to be contacted by email (perhaps for confidentiality reasons) or do not have email facilities, then enter the email address as   Without a valid address in this field the form will not complete and cannot be submitted. This is not necessarily the same email address to which queries from potential buyers will be sent - you set the contact details for queries at the bottom of this page.
We would use this email to make direct contact with you, the seller, for administrative issues.
Your R.S.A. ID Number or
Foreign Passport Country & Number
R.S.A. Company Registration No.
At least one of the above two fields must be completed.  ( n/a for Brokers )
If the seller is a ''natural person'' (individual), a sole proprietor or a partner then the ID/Passport info is required. But if you are submitting on behalf of a registered or public company, a trust or a close corporation then the Company Registration Number MUST be provided.
Business Name:   This would be used by us to identify the ''business for sale''.  Usually it would be the ''Trading As''
or registered company name.  This name would also be used by ourselves in private mail and conversation with the seller for identification purposes.  As with all information is the ''non-disclosed'' section, it would NEVER be revealed or communicated to a prospective buyer.
  Brokers: Preface with your broker code.
The name of the business that is being offered for sale. This is the name that will identify this item to you in the enquiry e-mails returned from the website.
If you are a broker, then it could include your own internal code or reference or a shorthand description that makes sense to you.
Visitors do not see this field   -   it is seen only by us, and by you in correspondence that you will receive from us.
    i.e.   3425 - Jackson Fibreglass


All following information will be provided to visitors.
Title Line:  
The "Title Line" is limited to 70 characters and is displayed on the first report listing of "Search Results". It should describe the type of business and general activities in broad terms. ie. "Service station, convenience store, used vehicle sales and car wash."
Full Description:  
600 characters left
Limit to a maximum of 7 or 8 lines. If this box scrolls you have hit the limit.
You will have to edit before submitting if you exceed 600 characters.

The Full Description here should summarise the business listing and act as a teaser where the more attractive selling points are highlighted. These would be short references to items which could include profitability, lifestyle, competition, risk, time established, ease of operation, selling reason, return, growth opportunities, etc.
Unlimited detail can be shown below under ''Other Information.''
Industry Sector:
or New Industry?
Provide Industry/Sector details if no suitable category exists in the preceding Industry/Sector option:


or Country outside of RSA
City / Town:  
Location in City:  
Metro Proximity:  
Many buyers reside in one of the eight South African metropolitan areas (cities) and are interested in a business purchase located close enough to allow commuting from home.
A quick home page report allows buyers to see listings within daily commute distance from their home city.
Portability:   Suitability for Relocation to other Areas  
  High    Very portable. Can be relocated to any area without disruption. Few skilled and irreplaceable staff. Most client/supplier contact by phone, e-mail or post.
Can be instantly operated from anywhere else at no extra cost. (ie. internet based businesses)
  Medium    Possible to relocate with some disruption and cost. Would not be advisable, but is possible. Relocation would not substantially damage the business.
  Low    Relocation is not possible. But there may be limited value in licences, patents, technology or access to clients and suppliers which would add value to a similar operation at another location taking over.
  Zero    This business can only operate from the area specified. There is no potential whatever for it to be relocated elsewhere.
Any additional information regarding Portability:  
The text you input here will be displayed as Portability comment.
If you leave this field blank, then the system will display comment on the portability as per the High/ Medium/ Low /Zero choice. Read the Tooltip to see the wording that will be shown.

for Searching: 

Enter any additional words which would be relevant to this type of business. eg. For a service station you might add "gasoline, diesel, fuel, motor repair, garage, automobile, autos, petrol station".


Indication Price:  
Numbers only  -  no spaces, decimals, currency indicators or text.
Price Conditions:   Displayed to visitors as CONDITIONS. Typically used to indicate negotiability [Negotiable - Subject to conditions] or in/exclusions [Stock excluded] [plus Stock to be valued at the time of sale]. Limited to 100 characters.

per month
Numbers only  -  no spaces, decimals, currency indicators or text.
Nett Profit pre-tax:  
per month
Numbers only  -  no spaces, decimals, currency indicators or text.
No. of Staff:  
Numbers only  -  no spaces, decimals, currency indicators or text.
Year Established:
  ie. 2004
Legal Persona:
Other Information:  
Additional information demonstrates transparency and attracts more enquiries.
We offer several popular headings for commonly requested information.
Delete where necessary and please add whatever could be relevant.
We will attend to the formatting and layout on receipt of this submission.
Contact us if you feel that a page is needed with more background
information on your business but which will still conceal your identity.

CONFIDENTIALITY     Please select one of the following.

  None    No confidentiality required. The actual trading name of the business may be used if advantageous to attract buyers.
  Moderate    Medium confidentiality. We are not advertising that the business is for sale and would rather that staff, customers and creditors did not know of these plans. However information on location and other issues can be revealed if necessary to encourage the more cautious buyer.
  Extreme    Maximum confidentiality required. Imperative that no website visitor can identify this business from the listing description. Every effort is to be made to conceal the identity of the seller and the business, even at the expense of an obtuse listing.

AUTHORITY TO PLACE THIS LISTING     Please select one of the following.

  Private    I am a private seller and I am either the legal owner of the business or have full legal agency to act on behalf of the owner for the purposes of facilitating a sale of the business.
  Broker Agent    I am acting as a business broker and have a written signed mandate to negotiate and transact a sale.
I am prepared to provide evidence of such mandate to Biz.for.Sale on request.
  Other    My authority is not adequately covered by the above options and derives from the situation which I have described in the General Comments box below.


All enquiries from the site will be sent directly to the following address:.

Email Address:
Marked for attention:


Use this as a message area to convey any concerns, further instructions, or requests for information about this service.

Print this form now as your record of the details submitted.


There is no charge to list businesses for sale on this site.. Please read the Conditions for Sellers for details relating to the Commission Agreement. Incoming submissions are only actioned upon receipt of a signed commission agreement document.

Special Note on Front Page Listings / Recommended Hot Picks :
All new listings are shown on the front page under the heading, "Latest Listings" with the most recent at the top.
However, in the section above that: "Recommended Hot Pick Listings" listings are displayed until removed - and this is the section that provides the most enquiries. If you feel that this submission is particularly attractive and will probably sell fast with the right exposure, then please email us with the request to display it in this section. Read these details for Requesting Hot Pick Display. This link will also appear in the next screen after you have submitted this page.

Photographs and Imagery :
Where images will help with understanding the business on offer, then we strongly suggest that you should forward them for publication. We will deal with cropping, rszing and placement. If available now you can email them to with a cover note identifying the business.

Session Timeout = 60 mins  