Businesses Listed by Category / Sector

          3       [view]
Business Services           1       [view]
Construction - Contracting           1       [view]
Construction - Projects and Renovations           1       [view]
Distribution and Retail           1       [view]
Engineering - Manufacturing           1       [view]
Entertainment - Bar and Nightclub           1       [view]
Food - Fast, Snack and TakeAways           2       [view]
Food - Manufacture and/or Distribution           1       [view]
Food - Retail           1       [view]
Garden Services and Nurseries           1       [view]
Healthcare           1       [view]
Home Services and Improvements           1       [view]
Hospitality - Hotels and Guesthouses           1       [view]
Information Technology           1       [view]
Manufacturing           2       [view]
Mining           1       [view]
Motor - Other           2       [view]
Property - Commercial           2       [view]
Restaurant and Bar           2       [view]
Retail - Other           1       [view]
Retail - Store           1       [view]
Services           1       [view]
Services - Body and Health           1       [view]
Services - Hair, Beauty and Nail Salons           1       [view]
Transport           2       [view]
Travel           1       [view]