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      Category (Industry/Sector)
      Keyword or Phrase
      Advanced Multi-Filter Search
      Metro City
      City or Town
      Price Reductions
      Price Bracket
      Return on Investment
      Profit & Income

Suggested "Hot Picks"
  • Worth some attention for assessment
  • Often priced well for an urgent sale.
Recommended for assessment.

Latest Additions
  • This report will present a listing of businesses submitted to Biz.for.Sale since the specified date.
  • The listing is ordered by date with the newest listings shown first.
  • This report is intended for those who visit this site at regular intervals to check on new offerings.
  • In South Africa, it's Saturday, July 27, 2024 and local time is 9:54:38 AM
View the New Listings since   dd-Mmm-yyyy


Industry / Sector and/or Category
  • Grouped by Categories.     (also known as Industry / Sector)
Groupings of businesses for sale by sector / industry / category

Single Keyword or Phrase
  • This listing searches a number of fields to identify records which contain the keyword or phrase.
  • Do not enter multiple words unless you want this exact phrase to be found
  • These include the City/Town, Industrial Area, Metro Proximity and the Description fields.
  • Because embedded text string searches are used there can be some false results.
    "Johan", for example, will be found within "Johannesburg".
Keyword or Phrase   Single word or phrase,


Advanced Multi-Filter Search
  • Allows several filters to be set to narrow down very specifically.
  • Filter on price, location, up to 2 keywords, category/industry, profitability and legal structure.
  • Not recommended for quick searches as the scan can be so filtered that no results are returned.
  • Probably best suited to experienced users.
Access a ''Search the listings on multiple fields similtaneously

  • Listing of businesses located in the specified province or state
  • The listing is ordered by descending price
Select the Province

Metro City Proximity
  • This report will present a listing of businesses located in the specified metro city
  • The seller is indicating that the owner/operator of the business would be able to be resident in that city and be able to commute to the business premises on a daily basis. .
Select the Metro City  

City/Town Location
  • This listing searches multiple fields to identify records which mention your target area. These include the City/Town, Industrial Area, Metro Proximity and the Description
  • This is the widest search possible for area names
  • As embedded text searches are used there can be some false results. "Durban", for example, will be found within "Durbanville".
Location Name   Single name or phrase, not multiple locations


Latest Price Reductions
  • Lists existing businesses where the price has been reduced.
  • Ordered chronologically   -   most recent price drops are first.
Latest price reductions of businesses for sale

Price Bracket
  • Exclude businesses that are too small to generate income.
  • Exclude business that are too expensive.
Businesses priced from   R   ( exclude below this price )
to businesses priced above   R   ( exclude above this price )

Highest Return on Investment
  • Ordered in reducing return on investment (R.O.I.)
  • ROI calculated as annual profits (EBIT) as a percentage of the asking price.
  • E.B.I.T. = Earnings before interest and taxes
Highest Return on Investment of businesses for sale

Highest Monthly Profit (or Income)
  • Listed in reducing order by monthly profit
  • Used where the business must generate a minimum income
Highest Monthly Profits of businesses for sale